God Bless to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. As we are about to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Jesus is important in my life and getting his word out through this blog is what I believe is what he is calling me to do. I am new at this but with the help of the Holy Spirit I believe it will be fun and beneficial to hear Gods word using my unique perspective.
So… what is Spiritual Truth?
So who am I you may ask? First let’s start with who I am not. I am not a pastor, minister, elder, or hold any leadership position in my church. I have never been to seminary or any bible college. I love Jesus and love to study his word like you do. So, what authority do I have to comment on anything related to God? I am a disciple of Jesus as we all are. By the command of the Jesus (Act 10:42) we are called to spread God’s word and with the power of the Holy Spirit and the internet I am able to do this.
I live in southern California with my wife and young son. I work in aerospace; I attend a large church in Downey where I serve as an usher on Sunday mornings. I belong to a very large non-denominational international bible study on which I am a supervisor in the children’s program.
Now the reason for this blog. First, as stated before, I believe God is calling me to do this. I have prayed about it over a length of time and I feel the Holy Spirit leading me in this direction. I prayed that if it’s not your will Lord tell me. He keeps sending me people to help with this project so how can I turn him down. Second reason, there are events going on in this world and in my own country (The United states of America) that I question. I ask myself “is this is what God intended for our nation or this world.. I will comment on those events, sometimes harshly and you may not agree. That’s fine. I expect dialog on what I write. In fact I encourage it. You will see I am very opinionated. Third reason, I will use this blog to go over a passage in the bible I may like and give my perspective. Again I encourage feedback.
I encourage all readers to give feedback on what I have written. Some of you will agree with me some will not. That’s OK. Let’s make it fun and challenging.
God Bless
COH (Citizen of Heaven)