God and American Football

God and American football is the subject of my blog. In some ways they are interlocked and in other ways they contradict. American football is important to the citizens of the United States. It is estimated that over 100 million people around the world watched this years Super bowl. Baseball years ago used to be Americas past time, but it has now been replaced by football. The secular world thrives off the brutality of the game. Big hits which leads to big injuries. We live in a rubber neck environment these days. Where when there is an accident on the road people slow down to get a good look at the wreck. This is one of the reasons football is so popular. Another reason is that you can easily bet on just about anything on the game. Tonight there were bets on what color the Gatorade bath would be on the coach of the winning team. Betting is something I don’t do. Like drinking, I just don’t like it. Gambling was mentioned in the gospels when Jesus clothes were used as a betting reward (Matthew 27:35). I don’t judge anyone who gambles or drinks. I just don’t do it. What a blessing to see what took place after the game. Several players, during TV interviews, gave glory to God first. These men were in a position to be a good witness, and give God the glory and they did. This was awesome see and a blessing to hear. Who knows how many people got saved tonight just from this one act (Matthew 6:33). Now people will say God is not a Seattle fan or Denver fan. True, He doesn’t choose one team over another. He just smiles when his name is mentioned in a public setting that glorifies him.  God may be gone from our schools and our public buildings, but for a brief moment after a grueling competition on the football field some players are giving him the glory.

Another famous American actor died tonight. A tragic but preventable loss. He allegedly died from a drug overdose. Famous American actors make so much money and have so much time to spend it. Its sad that, in some cases, they choose not to fill their time with getting know who God is. Instead they choose to spend their time with a needle in their arm and death. They know who God is now. Now comes the fun part. Listening to family and friends flower him with worldly accolades and statements of “he is now acting in Heaven or he is at peace now”. Sad, but as I stated in a previous blog, there is no peace without Jesus. If he didn’t give his life over to Jesus the consequence is eternal condemnation. Eternal life away from God. Not the way I want to spend eternity. I am joyful that my citizenship is in Heaven.


Until next time


“Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation...”

Psalm 25:5 (NKJV)

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